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  • Postdoctoral Research Associate

  • Area of Specialisation: computational material science including ab-initio, semi-empirical and empirical methods as well as continuum mechanics.

  • Working on Key Challenge 1.

Bartosz Barzdajn began his career as a researcher and civil servant at Poland's National Metrology Institute - Główny Urząd Miar, after completing a masters programme in theoretical physics at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. While working on providing traceability and validation of national length standards he developed an interest in applied statistics. This resulted in joining Mathematics and Modelling group at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) as a visiting researcher. There, he worked on the traceability in computationally-intensive metrology.

After a year at NPL he began a PhD at Imperial College London in collaboration with King's College London. This was a major shift in research area for him, as the main theme of this project was applying crystal-plasticity finite-element method to understand galling of iron-based alloys in nuclear applications. The project was undertaken as part of the Rolls-Royce UTC. Following his PhD, Bartosz continued his career in academia by joining the University of Manchester as a Research Associate working on development of spd tight-binding models for low-alloy RPV steels. Now, he joins MIDAS project where he will focus on molecular dynamics of radiation damage cascades. One of the highlights of this project will be to develop a so-called machine-learning potential for zirconium.

Get in touch with Bartosz