MIDAS brings together world-leading researchers in fuel cladding, irradiation damage, multiscale characterisation and modelling to achieve the programme’s overall aim of a holistic approach to the study of fuel assembly materials. The team furthermore has strong connections with the UK fusion community, which will be leveraged in MIDAS to revitalise the study of Zr as a fusion material.

The academic team brings a wide breadth of experience, technical knowledge, and experimental and modelling skills to the MIDAS. This, underpinned by access to state-of-the-art facilities will enable the programme to deliver a step-change in the understanding of fuel cladding performance that will facilitate the development of physically informed safety cases by our industrial project partners.

The team has a proven track record in delivering impact, and well-established collaborations with the nuclear industry, from fuel manufacturers to operators of nuclear power stations. Beyond the core academic team, engaging closely with the wider industrial and research communities is key to MIDAS. Please see our Partners page for further details of some of our key stakeholders.

If you want to see how all these people fit together, Scroll to the bottom to view our MIDAS organogram.


Michael Moody - University of Oxford

Katie Moore - University of Manchester

Michael Preuss - University of Manchester

Chris Race - University of Manchester

Joe Robson - University of Manchester

Ed Tarleton - University of Oxford

Mark Wenman - Imperial College London

Angus Wilkinson - University of Oxford

Philipp Frankel - University of Manchester (Principal Investigator)

Daniel Balint - Imperial College London

Ben Britton - Imperial College London

Sergei Dudarev - Culham Centre for Fusion Energy

Fionn Dunne - Imperial College London

Jicheng Gong - University of Oxford

Chris Grovenor - University of Oxford

Robert Harrison - University of Manchester

Mia Maric - University of Manchester

Postdoctoral Research Associates

Kieran Lynch - University of Manchester

David Mayweg - Chalmers University

Yinguang Piao - Imperial College London

Colleen Reynolds - Imperial College London

Kay Song - University of Oxford

Rhys Thomas - University of Manchester

Andrew Warwick - Culham Centre for Fusion Energy

Ioannis Alakiozidis - University of Manchester

Emily Aradi - University of Manchester

Alex Carruthers - University of Manchester

Laura Gonzalez - University of Manchester

Rakesh Kumar - Imperial College London

Xingzhong Liang - University of Manchester

Conghui Liu - University of Manchester

Associated PhD Students

Susannah Lea - Imperial College London

Thomas Linwood - University of Manchester

Michael McGlynn - University of Manchester

George Merryweather - University of Manchester

Rajat Nama - University of Oxford

Clément Sakael - Université de Lille

Sarah Sherry - University of Manchester

Laurence Skidmore - University of Manchester

Ethan Sprague - Monash University

Umar Ul-Hassan - University of Manchester

Okan Yetik - PSI

Brad Young - University of Oxford

Junting Zhang - Imperial College London

Wenyu Zhang - University of Oxford

Callum Andrew - University of Manchester

Elliott Ayers - Monash University

Thomas Bailey - University of Birmingham

Aaron Chote - Imperial College London

Zhenxin Cui - University of Oxford

Kadir Tugrul Demirci - University of Manchester

William Foster - University of Manchester

Michael Green - University of Manchester

Daniel Hortelano Roig - University of Oxford

Ethan Hurtford - University of Birmingham

Laura Ibanez Gomez - University of Oxford

Rehana Jalil - University of Manchester

Josh Langcaster - Imperial College London

Jake Larkin - University of Manchester

Project Management

Thomas Roughan - MIDAS Project Administrator

Doyin Mansell - MIDAS Programme Manager





Ben Jenkins - University of Oxford

Chris Jones - University of Manchester

Megan Jones - University of Oxford

Dan King - Imperial College London

Ömer Koç - University of Manchester

Melvyn Larranaga - University of Manchester

Junliang Liu - University of Oxford

Yang Liu - Imperial College London

Daniel Long - Imperial College London

Kieran Lynch - University of Manchester

Megan Owen - Bangor University

Toluwalashe Osho - Research Project Administrator

Freyja Peters - MIDAS Programme Manager

Vlad Podgurschi - Imperial College London

Adeel Shaikh - University of Manchester

Christos Skamniotis - Imperial College London

Gareth Stephens - Bangor University

Tamas Ungar - University of Manchester (Senior Research Fellow)

Yilun Xu - Imperial College London

Ioannis Alakiozidis - University of Manchester

Samuel Armson - University of Manchester

Bartosz Barzdajn - University of Manchester

Oliver Buxton - University of Manchester

Aaron Colldeweih - PSI

Thibaut Dessolier - Imperial College London

Johan Eriksson - Chalmers University

Francesco Fagnoni - Paul Scherrer Institute

Andrea Fazi - Chalmers University

James Gibson - University of Oxford

Meg Greenough - Research Project Administrator

Jing Guo - University of Manchester

Danel Haley - University of Oxford

Jack Haley - University of Oxford

Chris Hardie - Imperials College London

Thomas Haynes - Imperial College London

Guanze He - University of Oxford

Siyu Huang - University of Sydney

Callum Hunt - University of Manchester



Thomas Linwood Ioannis Alakiozidis Laura Ibanez Gomez Rajat Nama George Merryweather Callum Andrew Michael Green Wiilliam Foster Jake Larkin Emily Aradi Sarah Sherry Colleen Reynolds Wenyu Zhang Bradley Young Daniel Hortelano-roig Junting Zhang Xingzhong Liang David Mayweg Kieran Lynch Alex Carruthers Aaron Chote Elliott Ayers Andrew Warwick Rhys Thomas Rehana Jalil Conghui Liu Yinguang Piao Thomas Bailey Laura Gonzalez Rakesh Kumar Ethan Sprague Kay Song Laurence Skidmore Umar Ul-Hassan Okan Yetik


Bartek Bardajn Omer Koc Tamas Ungar Michael Green William Foster Elliot Ayers Callum Andrew  Thomas Bailey Aaron Colldeweih Ben Jenkins Chris Jones Oliver Buxton Thibaut Dessolier Francesco Fagnoni Samuel Armson James Gibson Jing Guo Jack Hayley Tom Haynes Guanze He Siyu Huang Callum Hunt Megan Jones Dan King Melvyn Larranaga Yang Liu Dan Long Megan Owen Vlad Podgurschi Gareth Stephens Wenyu Zhang Aaron Chote Daniel Hortelano-Roig Laura Ibanez-Gomez Rehana Jalil Jake Larkin Thomas Linwood George Merryweather Rajat Nama Clement Sakael Sarah Sherry Laurence Skidmore Ethan Sprague Umar Ul-Hassan Okan Yetik Bradley Young Junting Zhang Ioannis Alakiozidis Emily Aradi Alex Carrthers Laura Gonzalez Rakesh Kumar Xingzhong Liang Conghui Liu Kieran Lynch David Mayweg Yinguang Piao Colleen Reynolds Kay Song Rhys Thomas Andrew Warwick Ethan Hurtford Daniel Haley