
Alex Carruthers

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate

  • Area of Specialisation: Analysis of irradiation induced microsctructural changes in Zr via transmission electron miscopy

  • Working on Key Challenge 1.

Following the completion of undergraduate studies at the University of Cambridge, Alex Carruthers joined the University of Manchester in 2014 to begin a PhD entitled ‘Mechanistic understanding of Irradiation Damage in Low alloy Steels’. In his PhD both proton- and neutron-irradiated materials were compared and contrasted, using a combination of STEM-EDX and nano-indentation.

Upon completion of his PhD, he worked as a PDRA examining high-entropy alloys for nuclear applications and macrosegregation in steel forgings, also at The University of Manchester. The former involved novel alloy design and characterisation and the latter, a range of characterisation techniques examining length scales from micro to macro.

Alex joined the MIDAS group in June 2021 and his main focus is on nano-scale characterisation of irradiation damage in Zr alloys. As part of this project, Alex hopes to help design novel irradiation studies and continue collaborative work with other institutions.

Get in touch with Alex