

  • PhD Student - University of Manchester

  • Project Title: Characterisation of chromium coated zirconium alloys for accident tolerant fuels

Callum Hunt completed a degree in Mechanical Engineering (Meng) at the University of Manchester.  After this, he went on to start a PhD with the Advanced Metallic Systems Centre for Doctoral Training (AMS CDT) at the University of Manchester. The focus of Callum’s PhD is to test the mechanical and chemical behaviour of chromium coated zirconium alloy tubes under reactor conditions. The project is funded by Westinghouse Sweden and the UKRI. The principle aim of this project is to develop a greater understanding of the behaviour chromium coatings in light water reactors such that their potential as a near term solution to developing accident tolerant fuels can be evaluated and understood.

In addition to research, Callum has an interest in scientific outreach taking part in the Brilliant Club’s Scholar program, where he taught at an underrepresented primary school. Here, a programme based on the nuclear energy with the theme ‘How to prevent a nuclear disaster’ was developed. In addition to this being part of the AMS CDT and the University of Manchester has allowed him to demonstrate the more fun side of science for school students with lemon batteries, 3D printing pens, and crushing objects with a large hammer.

Get in touch with Callum

This PhD has been a wonderful opportunity to work in an exciting field with some great people. The work is challenging and we all get through it