
Dr Katie Moore

  • Co-Investigator

Katie L. Moore is a Lecturer in Materials Characterisation in the Department of Materials. She joined the University of Manchester in October 2014 as Research Fellow in Materials Characterisation by NanoSIMS. She moved from the University of Oxford where she held an EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship working on NanoSIMS imaging of trace elements in crops. Prior to this Katie graduated with a D.Phil from the University of Oxford in Materials Science in 2011 and a MEng in Materials Science in 2007, also from Oxford University.
Katie has been working in the field of NanoSIMS analysis since 2008. Her research has been primarily to use the NanoSIMS to investigate trace element uptake in crops, such as arsenic uptake by rice and iron in wheat grant, but has also used the NanoSIMS on a wide range of other materials. Recent work has included an investigation of oxidation and hydrogen pick up mechanisms in zirconium, steel and nickel alloys using isotopic tracers and the NanoSIMS.

Katie's University of Manchester webpage

NanoSIMS group webpage

Get in touch with Katie