Para lab report at rogUe studios
Melting Ice cores and 3D scans at Rogue Studios
In December, MIDAS joined the para lab, an artists-scientists collective for their showcase at Rogue Studios.
Long-term working groups, including scientists and artists, presented the results of their collaborations. The groups started last year with a series of workshops at Rogue Studios, where group members presented aspects of their work and created small pieces using materials that represented their research. Following the workshops, artists and scientists then formed working groups, which met independently to create their exhibits. Several groups, including MIDAS members, took part, highlights included creating ‘ice cores’ made from glycerine which were then melted on a hotplate at the close of the exhibiton.
Para lab facilitates long-term collaboration between artists and scientists, and we look forward to future work between the artists and scientists.
Laurence admiring the exhibiton!
MIDAS members at Rogue Studios