Yinguang Piao

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate

  • Area of Specialisation: Discrete Dislocation Plasticity Modelling and Thermodynamic Theory of Dislocation-enabled Plasticity.

  • Working across Key Challenge 2 and Key Challenge 4.

 Yinguang Piao completed his master’s training in Computational Engineering at the Ruhr University Bochum. Here, he also received his Doctor-Engineering (Dr.-Ing) degree in the mechanics of materials, with emphasis on theoretical development of the thermodynamic theory of dislocation-enabled plasticity and it’s application to the torsion of bars of crystalline material.

Since 2022, he began his postdoc research at Imperial College London under the Walter Benjamin Fellowship from German Research Foundation. During this period, his research areas of interest include: plastic relaxation in stress assisted grain boundary oxidation; assessment of effective temperature in thermodynamic dislocation theory; the calculation of geometric necessary dislocations in cyclic loading, and the toughness of graphite with cracks.

Now, he joins the MIDAS project where he hopes to expand his expertise to envision the role of dislocations’ entropy in high strain dissolution driven stress corrosion cracking and perform the microstructural simulation of stress corrosion cracking using discrete dislocation plasticity, in order to further improve the understanding of mechanisms of corrosion.

 Get in touch with Yinguang