
Prof. Michael Preuss

Michael Preuss has established and spearheaded UK fuel cladding research since being appointed at the University of Manchester in 2004, aiming to support safe and efficient operation of the next generation of UK light-water reactors (LWRs). He has ongoing collaborations with companies including. EdF, Rolls-Royce and Westinghouse, and leads the Zr Technology group within the Manchester Rolls-Royce Nuclear UTC (for which he is also Deputy Director.

He has published more than 200 papers, contributed to four book chapters, is regularly invited speaker at international conferences, and is the only UK editor of Elsevier’s Journal of Nuclear Materials.

In 2011 he was awarded an EPSRC Leadership Fellowship to develop world-leading fuel cladding research capability. He has led a number of previous additional EPSRC grants, including being brought in to lead the NNUMAN programme grant at its mid-point.

Michael chairs the scientific advisory committee of the European Spallation Source, Sweden (1.8B€ facility investment), and is champion for the Henry Royce Institute theme of Materials for Demanding Environment. He is a Fellow of IOM3 (FIMMM), and has been awarded both the Grunfeld and Kroll Medals in recognition of his work.

Michael's University of Manchester webpage

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