Clément Sakael
PhD Student - Université de Lille
Project Title: Microstructure modelling of irradiated Zirconium alloys: Application to a LOCA transitory and a back-end fuel cycle
Clément Sakael graduated as an engineer in September 2019, from Phelma Grenoble-INP, in the field of Science and Engineering of Materials. He is now continuing his studies through this PhD, undertaken jointly between Université de Lille and EDF, France, where Clément is based, and who fund the project, along with CIFRE. Due to its links to MIDAS, the project will also be a ‘co-tutelle’ with the University of Manchester.
The project’s focus is on modelling, with an overall aim of quantifying the defects created by irradiation in Zirconium cladding, to determine their nature, how they evolve with time, and how they can be annealed out by increasing temperature. The results will be used to evaluate the macroscopic consequences on the fuel cladding, chiefly growth, and variation in ductility.
“This PhD project fulfils my expectations because it combines academic and industrial research and development. In my leisure time, I am very fond of sport, like running or biking and I also like to watch Football or Rugby on TV.”