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Dr Mark Wenman

Mark Wenman is a Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London and Director of the Nuclear Energy Futures Centre for Doctoral Training. He has extensive experience working with and for the nuclear industry since 1997 (Nuclear Electric). Following his PhD he joined the MoD’s Nuclear Department, HMS Sultan, for nuclear training and education where he worked from 2003-2008 before joining Imperial College London as the EDF Energy Research Fellow in Modelling of Nuclear Fuel in 2008. His key interests are in the modelling, at all length scales, from quantum mechanics to full scale components of nuclear materials (especially metals), of reactor systems, to better understand the degradation mechanisms in service. He has published over fifty articles related to nuclear materials and currently leads an EPSRC project on irradiation damage on reactor pressure vessel steels.

His research in the MIDAS project is centred on the understanding of atomic scale defects produced by neutron irradiation and their interactions with hydrogen and alloying elements; modelling of the oxidation process of Zr alloys at the micron scale and development of industrially useful micron-mm sized models for hydride embrittlement.

Mark's Imperial College webpage

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