Kieran lynch
PDRA - University of Manchester
Project Title: Multiscale Simulation of Second Phase Particle Evolution in Zirconium Alloys with and without Irradiation
Kieran Lynch completed a degree in Materials Science and Engineering at The University of Manchester. Kieran spent one year in industry after his degree before rejoining to start his PhD under the supervision of Joe Robson, funded by the EPSRC and Jacobs.
Kieran’s PhD project will focus on developing a microstructural scale model for second phase particle (SPP) evolution in Zircaloy-4, which includes thermal and irradiation effects. The model is based on the same framework published in Robson’s 2016 paper – “Modelling precipitate evolution in zirconium alloys during irradiation”. There is a strong correlation between SPP size distribution and the corrosion rate of Zircaloy-4, it is therefore important to accurately predict how the microstructure will evolve during operation in the extreme conditions associated with the reactor core.
Initially, the current model will be improved and validated with experimental data obtained from heat treatments of non-irradiated material, before moving onto the more complex case of irradiation, where data arising from the wider MIDAS programme will be utilised. Electron microscopy (SEM and (S)TEM) will be employed to directly measure particle size distributions and characterise individual SPPs. This will be supported by faster, indirect measurement techniques i.e. differential scanning calorimetry and thermoelectric power.
“After one year out of academia it’s nice to return to be part of a programme that will make a genuine difference within the nuclear community and, looking at the wider picture, help achieve a sustainable, low-carbon future.”