MIDAS PhD Position Advertised


Exploring the processes of nucleation and growth in the oxidation of zirconium alloy fuel rods

A MIDAS PhD studentship, based at the University of Manchester and supervised by Philipp Frankel and Chris Race, is currently being advertised for a September 2020 start.

Project Description

The pellets of uranium oxide fissile fuel in pressurised water reactors are contained within tubes of zirconium alloy - the fuel clad.

Cladding materials present a particular opportunity for research with rapid impact, because they are among the few parts of a nuclear reactor that are replaced during its lifecycle.

Among other degradation processes, the zirconium alloy cladding undergoes oxidation in the high-temperature pressurised water in which it sits. A better understanding of the corrosion mechanism would allow for the design of safer, more efficient fuels.

The pattern of corrosion involves repeated cycles of initially rapid then slower corrosion, before eventually a rapid breakaway phase, with linear kinetics, takes hold.

Work at The University of Manchester suggests that oxidation proceeds very differently in the presence of irradiation to without. In particular, the oxide forms much more quickly, with smaller grains with more random orientations.

The person who undertakes this project will become a member of the MIDAS Team and additionally, as the PhD is being offered through the GREEN EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training, will benefit from enhanced training and development through the CDT.

Co-sponsored by EDF France and Westinghouse in Sweden, the project further offers exciting opportunities for international travel and an industrial research placement as part of the PhD programme.

For more information, and to apply, please go to https://www.nuclear-energy-cdt.manchester.ac.uk/study/projects/
